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.009% the Size of Apple

.009% the Size of Apple

Chris Campbell

Posted February 01, 2024

Chris Campbell

Reporting from Roatan, Honduras

Fun fact:

If you search for “James Altucher CNBC Apple World's First Trillion-Dollar Company”...

(Go ahead, try it.)

Here’s what you get:

An article from James Altucher on CNBC on Why Apple Will Be The First Company to Reach a Trillion Dollar Market Cap…


And then immediately after…

This 2018 article from The Guardian

People laughed at James’ prediction in 2010. They thought he was crazy.

And yet…


That's what makes his latest Apple prediction all the more exciting…

Tiny $2 Company

In his latest prediction event, happening tonight at 7PM…

James is NOT suggesting people should invest in Apple. predicts Apple will be a $5 trillion company by 2025.

“But,” says James, “that’s a snooze fest. The biggest moves in Apple’s stock have come and gone in my opinion.”

The time to act on an Apple prediction was when Apple was a $300 billion company -- in 2010.

Back when James said it was on the rise…

hen James said it was on the rise… ALC

That was his first “Massive Apple call”.

Tonight, he’s issuing his second one…

And, in fact, it's exactly .009% the size of Apple.

“I’m confident you’ll be convinced that the tiny $2 company I’ve found is in a very special position given Apple’s major market disruption tomorrow morning.”

That’s why it's critical you show up tonight at 7pm ET.

If you haven’t already…

Click here to reserve your spot and sign up.

What to Expect

During the event, James is going to hone in on this $2 stock…

“One,” he says, “that has the potential to double or triple your money this year, and could have as much as 1,000% gain potential over the next three-five years.”

James is expecting no shortage of skeptics.

“I remember getting the same reaction to my prediction on CNBC in 2010.”

But we want you to decide for yourself…

And James is going to tell you everything you need to know TONIGHT.

Last chance…

Click here to reserve your spot and sign up.

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