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James Altucher

Posted June 05, 2024

James Altucher

This week, I had a call with our VP of Publishing Doug Hill. There was so much stuff in there, we decided to “leak” it.

Chris gave you the highlights yesterday. If you want to hear the full thing, click here or the video below.

During the call, I mentioned Apple a few times. There’s a very good reason for that. Apple has been oddly quiet amidst the AI frenzy that has gripped the tech world over the past year.

But don’t mistake silence for weakness.

Get Ready for June 10

See, while companies like Microsoft, Google, and NVIDIA have been making headlines with their AI breakthroughs and investments, Apple has remained relatively silent. But don't let this silence fool you -- the tech giant has been quietly working on something big behind the scenes.

In fact, Apple made more AI-related acquisitions than any other major company this year. With over 20 acquisitions under its belt, it's clear that Apple is gearing up for a major AI push. And we're about to see the fruits of their labor at the upcoming Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10th.

My prediction? The AI revolution is coming to the iPhone, and it's going to change the game for consumers.

But Apple's AI ambitions don't stop at the iPhone.

The company is also heavily investing in wearables and other consumer devices. Imagine an Apple Watch that can not only track your fitness, but also understand your voice commands and provide intelligent assistance throughout your day.

The possibilities are huge, and Apple has the resources and expertise to make them a reality. With their strong brand loyalty and massive user base, Apple is poised to bring AI to the masses in a way that no other company can.

So while Apple may have been quiet on the AI front so far, don't underestimate the sleeping giant.

They've been making all the right moves behind the scenes, and they're about to unleash an AI revolution that will change the world as we know it.

Keep a close eye on Apple - the best is yet to come.

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