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Apple's Low-Hanging Fruit

Apple's Low-Hanging Fruit

Chris Campbell

Posted January 31, 2024

Chris Campbell

Passport - check.

Toothbrush - check.

Emergency laptop - check.

In less than 24 hours, I’ll be reporting from a small obscure island in the Caribbean…ALC-Issue-01-31(2)

I’m going here not to (only) escape what’s left of the frigid Midwestern winter…

But because some of the world’s smartest people in crypto, AI, and biotech are going to be there, too:

We want to know what they’re thinking about, building, and seeing around the corner.

You’ll be among the first to know.

My #1 mission: For you to pay for your own trip to paradise from something you learned during this month-long hiatus.

But perhaps my mission will be complete as soon as it starts.

Remember, James has big news.

Apple’s Low-Hanging Fruit

As mentioned yesterday…

James has a BIG announcement that you’re not going to want to miss…

In fact, it’s already making a buzz on the island. 

TOMORROW is the big day. So if you haven’t already reserved your spot, please do so right here.

Clicking the link above automatically registers you for the Apple Disruption Event but does not obligate you in any way to attend the event. By reserving your spot, you will receive event updates. We will not share your email address with anyone. And you can opt-out at any time. Privacy Policy.

If you’re not up to speed, it has everything to do with a huge Apple market disruption.

When James goes live on Thursday night, we’ll only have 17 hours before Apple’s tech meteorite hits…

And the dinos begin to keel over.

At that point, Wall Street will start reacting…

The media will start publishing headlines…

Major tech companies will start to reel…

Since there will be so little time between James’ broadcast and this Apple announcement…

You’ll want to make absolutely sure you tune in… take notes… and get ready to take action.

While everyone will be looking right…

The BIG opportunities won’t be Apple.

You’ll see the urgent opportunity for early investors who take action on Thursday night’s broadcast. An opportunity to double or triple your money over the next few months…

And potentially 10X your money over the next decade.

You’ll also see why, even though this opportunity is extremely rare, it’s happened four different times in Apple’s four decade history…

For right now, make absolutely sure you show up this Thursday night at 7pm ET.

Click here to get signed up.

Clicking the link above automatically registers you for the Apple Disruption Event but does not obligate you in any way to attend the event. By reserving your spot, you will receive event updates. We will not share your email address with anyone. And you can opt-out at any time. Privacy Policy.

More from the Caribbean tomorrow.

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