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Billionaire Plans to Gut TikTok

Billionaire Plans to Gut TikTok

Chris Campbell

Posted May 29, 2024

Chris Campbell

Yesterday’s recap:

TikTok, the wildly addictive video-sharing app with over 170 million U.S. users, is under siege.

U.S. regulators, fueled by national security and data privacy fears due to TikTok's ties to China, are tightening the noose.

The solution? A forced sale of its U.S. operations.

Enter Frank McCourt, the former Los Angeles Dodgers owner with a penchant (that’s French for penchant) for the ambitious.

The Vision

McCourt isn't swooping in to snag TikTok just for bragging rights…

He aims to reinvent the platform using the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP), an open-source protocol designed to provide a more secure, transparent, and user-centric framework for social networking.

The mission? Decentralize TikTok, granting users unrivaled control over their data and digital personas.

The good news:

McCourt is gaining widespread support: Jonathan Haidt, David Clark, and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the world-wide web) have publicly endorsed McCourt's vision.

These figures represent a growing consensus that fundamental changes are needed in the current digital landscape to prioritize user empowerment and data sovereignty.

The most interesting bit for us: 

Aiding in this tech revolution is one relatively little-known crypto project. (More on that in a moment.)

What does this mean for TikTok users?

A Paradigm Shift

For TikTok users, the proposed acquisition promises significant changes that prioritize user control and data privacy.

Users would gain increased authority over their personal data, ensuring it is used and shared according to their preferences.

This shift towards data sovereignty is designed to offer enhanced privacy protections, creating a safer and more secure online environment.

Additionally, the new vision for TikTok emphasizes community engagement.

By encouraging active participation from users in shaping the platform, it aims to create a more informed and involved user base.

What Are the Odds?

McCourt's scheme is more than a mere facelift for TikTok; it’s a potential game-changer for the entire tech industry.

The current model, where power and data are centralized within a handful of tech behemoths, could be upended.

If successful, this decentralization might inspire a ripple effect, compelling other platforms to adopt similar user-centric models.

Frank McCourt’s ambitious plan to decentralize TikTok is a high-stakes gamble.

Sure, the odds might seem low, BUT…

McCourt’s plan to ditch the algorithm might give him a leg up over his competitors.


This is the kind of asymmetrical bet I’m attracted to. 

Should this venture succeed, it could herald a new era where the balance of power shifts back to the users.

And, best part, one crypto stands to benefit BIG.

If you’re an Early Stage Crypto member, watch out for this week’s update on Friday for all the details.

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