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Choose Your AI (Choose Yourself 2.0)

Choose Your AI (Choose Yourself 2.0)

James Altucher

Posted September 20, 2023

James Altucher

I don’t know much about fishing.

But, as usual, when there’s something I don’t know, I turn to ChatGPT.

According to ChatGPT, “fishing in underexplored waters can be superior to heavily fished areas because there’s less competition, and oftentime, larger and more abundant fish.”

When ChatGPT was first released, there was a bonanza opportunity to automate manual sales processes and win new business.

I even created a tool,, that allows users to take job descriptions from freelancer sites like Upwork or Fiverr, enter them into my app, and generate a customized proposal response.

10 months later, the tool is an absolute necessity if you want to compete on a freelancer marketplace.

At this point, just about every proposal being submitted through these platforms is automated, so anyone writing custom proposals by hand is missing out.

But with so many people competing for the same job on freelancer platforms, it can be hard to stand out.

The challenge is no longer about how many customized proposals you can produce, but how to make each of those proposals stand out.

As I’ve spoken to more users, I’ve made a discovery…

Upwork and Fiverr are overfished.

The key to freelancer success is seeking out ‘undisturbed waters.’

AI Automation Riches

Right now, AI is still new enough that most people don’t understand its full potential or how to effectively use it.

There is incredible wealth to be made by freelancers who know how to leverage these powerful technologies…

Simply teaching existing business owners how to use AI to make their businesses more efficient could potentially be the most profitable venture right now.

In order to find these business owners though, we’re going to need to think outside the box.

One option is to search through business job listings.

Jobs that entail any sort of manual work like customer service or data entry are great candidates for businesses that are still doing things the old-fashioned way.

Although these businesses might think they need a new employee, chances are the job could be done well (and more efficiently) by a bot.

With tools like, Hexomatic, and Make, anyone can set up systems to automate a large variety of tasks.

Even the process of reaching out to businesses for sales can be fully automated…

Hexomatic, Make, and allow anyone to scan hundreds of job listing websites, generate a customized proposal, and automatically email the business owner with a sales pitch about how you can save them thousands of dollars by automating a job that currently requires an employee!

The beauty of these tools is that with a small upfront investment of work, the tools can quickly pay for themselves while you sit back and collect revenue.

I’ve seen savvy small business owners use these tools for all sorts of complex tasks, such as extracting data from scanned documents, answering customer support emails, or extracting lists of sales leads from sites like Yelp and Google.

The power of these tools is truly extraordinary… if you know how to leverage them effectively.


What if you’re looking for a more passive approach? Maybe a way to profit from tiny AI startups with crazy upside potential?

Then you’re also speaking my language.

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