‘Ethereum Killer’ Admits Defeat
Posted August 01, 2023
James Altucher
Beginning in 2020, a new buzzword began to take hold of the cryptosphere:
The Ethereum Killer.
A frenzy of marketing by crypto projects -- mostly scams -- commenced. They were all faster, stronger, smarter, better. Cheaper fees. Faster transactions.
The hype had become impossible to comprehend.
It got to the point where VCs wouldn’t have batted an eye at ads claiming to 'Blockchainify' your breakfast, 'decentralize' your dog walks, and 'tokenize' your chores.
Fast-forward to now:
The Ethereum Killers are either dead or kissing the ring.
In fact, just last week:
Celo, once an Ethereum Killer, is now planning its walk of shame to Ethereum.
Meaning? Celo will now help King Ethereum scale.
Other meaning? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
Ethereum’s (Belated) Birthday
Ethereum was launched on July 30, 2015.
Eight years (and two days) later, Ethereum is now a cornerstone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, powering a wide range of applications from NFT marketplaces to complex financial instruments.
The journey to decentralization hasn't been a cakewalk.
It's undeniably more challenging than the path of centralization.
But few would argue that 'easy' always means 'better'? That is, unless you have a soft spot for the ruthless precision of a dictatorship, rather than the wild unpredictability of a democratic republic.
(“Indeed,” said Churchill, “it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”)
But soon enough, Ethereum will be sufficiently cheap to reach mass-adoption and power whatever you throw at it.
Whether we’re talking supply chain tracking, decentralized voting for reality TV shows, crowdsourced weather prediction markets, or decentralized farming. (Half-kidding.)
In a moment, James will explain why Ethereum’s such a big deal…
And why it’s a great opportunity to capitalize on the coming DeFi boom.
Before we get to James, though, we’ve got a quick announcement for you…
James’ Most Explosive Speech Ever
On Tuesday, October 3rd, James will be giving an important presentation at the elite Paradigm Shift Summit in Vegas.
Access to this event is by invitation only – consider this your invitation.
Click here now to check it out.
I admit. There’s a catch.
We only have 500 seats – and more than 25% of them are already gone. If you want to meet the Paradigm crew in person, all the details are right here at this link.
Read on.
Ethereum’s Big Opportunity
James Altucher
The endurance of cryptocurrency markets is nothing short of amazing.
Despite experiencing numerous setbacks over the years, crypto continues to defy expectations.
As we ring in Ethereum’s eighth anniversary this week, I’m amazed by how much the blockchain has overcome.
Things could have turned out very differently.
In the early days after its launch, a hack of one of the most popular smart contracts on the blockchain - called ‘the DAO’ - could’ve resulted in the end of the Ethereum experiment.
Through smart engineering and strong leadership, the Ethereum team was able to make victims of the DAO whole and live on to see another day.
Ethereum would go on to see other obstacles throughout the years.
The collapse of FTX last year really could’ve put a nail in the coffin for cryptocurrency markets and Ethereum.
Although new competitors are popping up all the time trying to replace Ethereum to become the largest blockchain for DeFi, the eight-year-old blockchain continues to maintain its dominant position.
One of the most important reasons for this: security.
Although there have been many hacks of smart contracts over the past 8 years, Ethereum itself has not been hacked.
This track record has helped establish Ethereum as one of the most consistently reliable blockchains for DeFi.
It’s going to be difficult for competitors to beat Ethereum in this regard.
As each day passes without incident on the Ethereum blockchain, the platform's track record for security grows stronger.
Apart from Bitcoin, there is no blockchain that has as long of a track record for security and large-scale usage.
For passive investors that want to capitalize on DeFi, Ethereum is still one of the best options around.
Sure, new blockchains or DeFi projects have upside potential that Ethereum can’t match.
It’s possible, but unlikely, that Ethereum will 10x in the next year.
Because small DeFi tokens are less established, they offer the opportunity to make very-fast, very-large returns (like increasing 10x in one year).
But with that upside also comes risk.
Managing that risk requires staying up to date on your DeFi investments, or trusting someone to stay up to date on those investments for you.
Again, security is one of the greatest risks in DeFi.
New platforms are not as well-tested/proven as Ethereum.
For this reason, new platforms have a greater likelihood of being hacked, which can be seriously costly for investors.
For passive investors, Ethereum represents one of the greatest risk/reward opportunities to capitalize on DeFi.
As an established platform with a proven track record, it has withstood the test of time.
For investors looking to profit from DeFi without having to closely monitor their portfolio (or subscribing to a crypto trading service), Ethereum represents one of the finest investment opportunities in crypto today.