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Ethereum: Voldemort Gets it

Ethereum: Voldemort Gets it

Chris Campbell

Posted July 12, 2024

Chris Campbell

"Myth," said Joseph Campbell, "provides guidance and meaning to individuals and societies."

Campbell (no relation, alas) believed myths offer a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and understanding one's place in the world.

He also believed myths contain within them timeless hidden wisdom. For example, one common thread in mythologies all around the world is this:

Balance of power is everything.

When power concentrates too much, the world grows dark. When it is distributed, the universe is in balance and the people thrive.

Think about it. 

In Ancient Greece, the three Fates – Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos – shared the responsibility of shaping mortal lives. Norse mythology echoed this with the Norns – Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld – who controlled the past, present, and future together.

Hinduism's Trimurti – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva – maintains existence through their combined powers. In Ancient Egypt, the Four Sons of Horus protected the deceased's organs, ensuring a soul's journey to the afterlife.

To be sure, this theme persists in modern myths, too.

Marvel's Infinity Stones each govern an aspect of existence, but united, they offer mastery over the universe.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, the "Pieces of Eight" combine to unleash the sea goddess Calypso. 

Harry Potter would have seen the value of using this strategy, although the sight of it might trigger some PTSD. Voldemort's Horcruxes spread his essence across many objects, making him nearly invincible.

Which brings us to today's subject: crypto.

And the little-known crypto project poised to spread Ethereum’s essence across millions of devices, making it more resilient, faster, cheaper, and more reliable.

And pretty much EVERYONE is focused on the wrong place.

Ethereum’s “Secret” Roadmap

When Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, talks about technology, people listen.

And why wouldn’t they?

Recently, when asked about Ethereum, he said this:

“It’s now established that Ethereum is going to be quite valuable…. It’s legitimate. It’s established. There’s a lot of credibility. It works well.”

No less…

When Ethereum’s founder, Vitalik Buterin, talks, people listen.

About six months ago, Vitalik was talking about the Ethereum roadmap. He pointed out one specific technology that would be a huge deal in the near future.

image 1

He recommended that builders and users of Ethereum went “all in” on this technology to preserve Ethereum’s decentralized power.

That technology exploded on the scene.

Thing is, we were ready for it.

Check Your Inbox

Early Stage Crypto Investor members received a report today that showed the ONLY WAY to invest in this strategy.

To be sure, this under-the-radar crypto has been in our portfolio long before Vitalik made his announcement.


Given the recent downturn, we see a clear double-down opportunity.

I go into more detail in the report, here’s the gist:

→ Vitalik gave its technology his blessing
→ It has 10 TIMES more usage than it did in January
→ It has more than 12 TIMES more Ethereum using its network (from $250 million in January to $3.2 billion’s worth today)
→ And, due to market conditions, it’s trading at a lower price than it was in January

Therefore, we believe it is undervalued by a long shot.

If you, like us (and Huang), believe in Ethereum’s future, this one seems like a no-brainer.

Members will find the report in their inboxes. Title of email: “Double-Down Report Enclosed”.

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