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Greetings From the Autonomous Age

Greetings From the Autonomous Age

Chris Campbell

Posted October 11, 2024

Chris Campbell

The Electric Age radically transformed the world.

For millions of years, technological progress was painstakingly slow, with innovations like stone tools, fire, and the wheel emerging over vast stretches of time.

And yet…

The Electric Age unfolded in just a few decades, radically reshaping human civilization.

Suddenly, night could be turned into day, machines could run continuously, and communication spanned continents.

Imagine you could pinpoint the exact instant when this new age began.

I'm talking about the moment when the ideas, the innovations, and the zeitgeist really kicked off.

That moment, I would argue, is obvious.

It happened on a warm May day in 1893, on the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago.

Now known as:

The Chicago World's Fair

To be sure, this wasn’t just an event.

It was a seismic shift in the American psyche…

A tipping point that launched the nation from the horse-and-buggy era into the age of electricity, mass production, and unprecedented technological optimism.

In a single day, a visitor could ride the first-ever Ferris Wheel (with 1,999 others at the same time -- a remarkable feat of engineering)…

Walk down the electrified Midway Plaisance, gawking at a level of illumination that most of the world couldn’t imagine…

Taste a new snack called Cracker Jack, drink a new beverage called Pabst Blue Ribbon, and bop their heads to the latest wax cylinder recordings on the phonograph.

And, no less, find themselves at the Palace of Electricity, where Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse showcased the wonders of alternating current.

But here's the crucial point:

The fair wasn't just a collection of novelties.

It was designed to rewire the expectations of an entire generation.

Call it the "Fair Effect" – the moment when a critical mass of people simultaneously adjust their vision of what's possible…

Creating a cultural tipping point that accelerated innovation and progress.

A few examples:

Milton Hershey was so impressed by the German chocolate-making equipment on display he purchased it for his startup. (The rest is history.)

Frank Baum was so astonished by what he saw at the White City, it inspired a story called “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. (You may’ve heard of it.)

Finally, years later, a young Walt Disney was captivated by his father’s stories of working on the fair -- especially how they constructed it all.

He dreamed of one day creating his own magical city.

(He wanted to call it “Disneyland”.)

Wel, I only bring this up because: something similar just happened last night with Tesla Day…

And it was bigger than anyone expected.

The Autonomous Age

Just as the 1893 Chicago World's Fair ushered in the Electric Age, Tesla's recent "We, Robot" event may mark the dawn of the Autonomous Age.

Last night, Musk unveiled three groundbreaking innovations:

  1. The Cyber Cab: A fully autonomous taxi without a steering wheel, promising transportation at 30-40 cents per mile.
  2. The Robovan: A larger autonomous vehicle for mass transit, potentially reducing travel costs to 5-10 cents per mile.
  3. Optimus: A humanoid robot priced at $20,000-$30,000, envisioned to become as ubiquitous as smartphones.


Tesla's event, like the World's Fair before it, isn't just a collection of high-tech novelties.

It was designed to rewire the expectations of an entire generation.

Just as the 1893 Fair made people believe that rapid, transformative technological change was not only possible but inevitable…

Tesla painted a picture of a world where autonomous systems are woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

Of course, as with any paradigm shift, there are questions:

How will these technologies impact jobs? What are the ethical implications of widespread AI and robotics? How will our society adapt to these rapid changes?

But one thing is certain: if even a fraction of what Tesla unveiled comes to fruition, we are standing on the precipice of a new age.

And like those wide-eyed visitors to the Chicago World's Fair nearly 130 years ago…

We may only be beginning to grasp the magnitude of the change that lies ahead.

Interesting times…

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