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How I Wrote 12 Books in 120 Days

How I Wrote 12 Books in 120 Days

Chris Campbell

Posted January 16, 2019

Chris Campbell

--The hero begins as an ordinary guy, vampire, or alien.

In an ordinary town, city, spaceship, or, yes, alien planet. Suddenly, he's called to find his path, his vision, his convictions, his purpose. He's called to Adventure. And so, with no shortage of trepidation, off he goes. To find his mentors. To defeat his enemies. To face the dragon that wishes to see him destroyed. To get the gold. Thus begins the book Ive been working on behind the scenes called,99 Things Every Millennial Man Should Know... (Currently in final editing phase. And I absolutely could NOT have done itwithout the help of this course.) At root, 99 Things is a compendium of powerhouse contributors, imparting wisdom.

99 Thing Book

Dig deeper, its a Heros Journey through ones own life to discover what the Japanese called Ikigai, or reason for being. That is, the intersection of your passion, the worlds needs, what makes you money, and what youre good at.

Ikigai Diagram

When James Altuchers course, theChoose Yourself Guide to Self-Publishinglaunched,you might recall, I set off to write two books in 90 days. And with his help I ended up writing 12 in about 120. Because of the blueprint I used, the book I began took on a life of its own. And with a little nudge, I decided Rather than publish it all as one big book, Im splitting it up into 12 books, releasing them one-by-one as e-books. (A solid strategy, I discovered, for Kindle.) And then, once theyre all out, Ill release the Omnibus, the entire collection, as a print book. A few decades ago, this kind of thing wouldve been 100% impossible to do in a few short months But now ANYONE can do it. And there are no gatekeepers to tell you no. And you can do it with very little money up-front. Today, Ill show you how. Heres the quickie guide to how I pulled this together so quickly. First Each book is about, on average, 30-40 pages. But I didnt write it all on my own. (Ill get to that in a moment.) These books include: BOOK ONE:THE BOOK OF THE HERO BOOK TWO:THE BOOK OF TRIBE BOOK THREE:THE BOOK OF MYTH BOOK FOUR:THE BOOK OF SEPARATION BOOK FIVE:THE BOOK OF SHADOWS BOOK SIX:THE BOOK OF MAGIC BOOK SEVEN:THE BOOK OF THE SPEAR BOOK EIGHT:THE BOOK OF LOVE BOOK NINE:THE BOOK OF THE 4 GODDESSES BOOK TEN:THE BOOK OF THE CROWN BOOK ELEVEN:THE BOOK OF REVELATION BOOK TWELVE:THE BOOK OF THE GRAIL First step, find an idea + a title. 1] Idea and title. This is where your passion and what the world needs intersect. First of all, at the genesis of this book, a wise man told me to create the thing you need but dont see. What I needed at the time (after going through a couple of heinously chaotic years) was a group of mentors. Thus, the idea for the book was born a book of mentors, imparting wisdom. - If pretty much everyone has an opinion about your idea (like, in this case, millennial men, or millennials in general), youre on the right track. And when choosing a title - Its best to make the title something that, when you hear it, they know exactly what its about. Such as,99 Things Every Millennial Man Should Know. Theres no ambiguity. Its a book of 99 things millennial men should know. Simple. 2] Find contributors. This is where social media actually becomes a useful tool rather than a time-wasting distraction machine. 99% of the contributors (65 of them) came from social media platforms. I cold tweeted most of them, pitching them on the idea. (The clearer your vision, the easier it is to get a yes. Ask them a question: Whats one thing every millennial man should know?) In that respect, most of the book wrote itself. I became the collector and organizer of the things. 3] Format. Before you write a single word come up with an outline. You want to be able to see it all as one coherent whole as soon as possible. Trust me, thisll save you a lot of time in the future. In my case, I knew I was going to write 12 sections. (And then later I decided to release each section as its own book.) Bonus points: Give your outline a theme. Pick a topic for each book, with one overarching theme. 99 Things follows the theme of the Heros Journey. The Hero is called to adventure (Book 1)... He meets his mentors, aids, and forms his Tribe (Book 2). He begins to understand his purpose, what hes actually up against, and what he must do (Book 3). He journeys into the Unknown (Book 4). And on

Heroe's Journey Diagram

4] Design.

With 12 books in all, I needed a lot of covers. Thankfully, Canva exists. With Canvas software I made 12 book covers in less than 1 week. ($12.99/month) Seriously. It was incredibly simple. You pick a premade template and just edit that to your liking. Anyone can do it. (I showed my little sister how to make book covers on it. Seriously, even if you dont have an artistic bone in your body, you can do it.) Then, I outsourced the the main book cover the Omnibus on Fiverr and had that ready to go in a week. (I paid $100 for the Fiverr cover, but you could do it for as little as $10. I just liked the designer and trusted his work.) Heres a screenshot of me using Canva:

Canva Screen Shot

5] Editing and format.

Next up, youre going to need an editor and someone to format the book. The beauty of this model is you can do the books one-by-one. (And on Fiverr, it seems to be cheaper that way, too.) Even if youre not doing a series, you can still do it chapter by chapter. This can help stave off overwhelm. You can also think about starting to gather a following. The beauty of having a bunch of contributors is many will be just as excited about the book as you are. (Also, to generate interest, maybe you can give the first book away for free?) This sounds like a lot, I know. But, if you take it step-by-step, its really not. And once you get started, and see this vision of yours coming to fruition, it becomes incredibly exciting. It becomes the rocket fuel. 6] Self-publish Createspace has made HUGE strides over the years. Their prints, formatted correctly, are indistinguishable from traditionally published books. (Nobody will be able to tell plus, you can even say you have your own publishing house.) Yes, you could EASILY turn this book-series into a business of your own. (With an email list and website.) Theres not enough time to go into all of that right now. Yes, youve heard it before But the 100% go-to source for writing, publishing, selling AND turning your book into a business Is none other than James Altuchers course on self-publishing. It takes you step-by-step, holding your hand through the entire process. And it WORKS. The proof, after all, is in the putting James has published three bestselling books with the same blueprint And the success stories, now that the course has been out for a few months, are beginning to surface. (When you sign up for the course, youllget access to the private Facebook group, too, where youll receive support from other self-published authors which is PRICELESS.)

Bill Pardi's book

This is just a short skim of how I did it. If you want to join me (and hundreds of other authors) on this Journey to find your own Ikigai... Click here to check out the course, and start your book(s) today. Until tomorrow, Chris Campbell Chris Campbell Managing editor, Laissez Faire Today P.S.Have something to say? Say it!  

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