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Invest Like a (Crypto) Whale

Invest Like a (Crypto) Whale

Chris Campbell

Posted May 03, 2024

Chris Campbell

You're sipping your morning coffee, scrolling through your crypto portfolio, when suddenly, your screen turns a violent shade of red.

Your heart sinks as you watch your investments plummet faster than an eagle swooping on its prey.

Panic sets in, and you're left wondering, "Is this the end?”

I’ve been there. You probably have to.

But wait…

Before you start frantically selling, let me tell you a little hard-won secret.

Drawdowns at this stage aren’t disasters; they’re opportunities.

How to Think Like a Whale

You see, the big players crypto (AKA, whales) are using this market downturn to their advantage. They're scooping up more positions at a lower price, while scaring off the average investor.

It's a tale as old as time.

In times of fear and uncertainty, fortunes are made. The whales get wealthier, while the minnows are left scrambling, trying not to get eaten.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

So, how can you navigate these treacherous waters without capsizing your financial ship? The answer is simple:

  1. buy dips or DCA (or both)
  2. don't obsess over your balance
  3. look at the bigger picture

The Bigger Picture

If you want a simple bullish case for crypto in three simple steps, here it is:

  1. Unsustainable global debt levels will force central banks to resort to currency debasement through money printing and QE.
  2. The liquidity required to "socialize the loss" of debt and bail out markets could be so massive that it sends Bitcoin and Ethereum to the stratosphere.
  3. This is bullish for crypto-at-large.

Obviously, that’s not the ONLY thing bullish for crypto, but it’s a huge driver.

Quantitative easing on an unprecedented scale may be necessary to recapitalize banks and backstop the entire financial system.

When it comes to probable financial scenarios, central banks resorting to QE is right behind death and taxes.

This tidal wave of liquidity injected into the financial system would inevitably spill over into asset markets, including Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Playing the Probable

We have no crystal ball. So we don’t know exactly how things will play out.

We do know one thing: life is all about probabilities.

Making asymmetrical bets -- high upside/limited downside -- based on high-probability events is an excellent way to branch out your investments.

Also, we know that time is more valuable than money. 

Wasting your time staring at charts for hours on end, trying to predict the perfect moment to buy or sell?

That's a surefire way to drive yourself crazy and lose your shirt in the process.

Keep your head up, your eyes on the prize, and your crypto close.

Enjoy your weekend,

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