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Lessons from a High-End Wealth Manager

Lessons from a High-End Wealth Manager

Zach Scheidt

Posted May 19, 2023

Zach Scheidt

$20 million.

No small sum, right?

That's the amount our colleague Zach Scheidt was given to juggle around back at his old gig. A gig that only threw open its doors for the champagne-sippers and penthouse-dwellers.

If your account didn't boast of a balance with at least seven figures, he'd (politely) guide you to the exit.

It was company policy, in fact.

Zach once pulled back the curtain on his roster of clients: an oil and gas bigwig swaddled in the lap of luxury; a duo of wealthy heart surgeons; a lovely lady swimming in the fizz of the Coca-Cola fortune, and more.

Their demand from Zach was simple, but harrowing:

Keep making our portfolios fatter, regardless of what the market’s doing.  

It was his job to make it rain…

And rain it did.

Zach rode the financial roller coaster through bull and bear, boom and bust, recession and expansion.

“And with virtually no room for error,” Zach adds. “I couldn’t rely on luck or gut feelings. It was a stressful way to live. For years, I worked long hours and saw my family less and less… all to help rich people become even richer.”

Then one day, our guy Zach punched out.

He yearned for picnics with his family, not just mere Facetime calls, and longed to juggle his own coins rather than those of the super-rich.

BUT, get this…

As he was easing into this new chapter, COVID waltzed in, hand in hand with inflation's quickening beat.

“My bills were becoming quite the mountain climbers,” he confessed, “and I realized I needed to outpace them or risk an avalanche.”

The million-dollar strategies he’d wielded for the aristocrats were now his own weapons.

The only problem:

Would these strategies designed for Everest-sized accounts work for his own modest hill?

Turns out, the answer is a resounding yes.

To explain the hows and whys -- and how you too can take advantage -- we invite the man himself.

Read on below to see how he does it.

First, if you want to get straight to the meat and potatoes…

Zach recently published a video revealing his biggest, best (and easiest) income secret.

It’s the BEST way to kill that nagging feeling that you won’t have enough.

The only catch: His time-sensitive video is getting pulled offline tonight at midnight.

Take a quick look at this link or by clicking the video below.

Click here to learn more

And read on.

Lessons from a Wealth Manager

Zach Scheidt

"Push, honey, push!"

"Sell, Steve, sell!"

I was in a labor room with my wife, welcoming my twin baby girls into the world.

But I was also on the phone with my hedge fund's broker, barking sell orders to protect my clients' wealth.

I'll never forget that feeling of being torn — not "fully present" in either of these two important areas of my life.

There’s a reason I’m sharing this story with you. You see, that day in the hospital was a major turning point for me…

A week after my daughters were born, I quit my job at the hedge fund.

I just knew that I couldn't keep putting in 80-hour workweeks and still be the dad that I wanted to be.

So I gave up my high-stress job of helping rich people get even richer… and decided to help everyday people solve a dilemma that’s similar to the one I faced.

I’m talking about your retirement.

On the one hand, you may be looking forward to giving up your daily grind… spending more time with loved ones... seeing the world... experiencing new things...

You know, the truly important things in life!

But, like me, you probably also worry about how you’ll afford to do everything you want.

You might think that the path to your dream retirement means working every waking hour to bring in as much money as you can.

And you stress over every dollar you spend, knowing it’s one less dollar you’ll have later in life — which could prolong how long you’ll need to keep working.

In other words, you’re constantly deciding whether it’s worth giving up fun and freedom now for a chance at a better future.

Even then, there’s still the nagging feeling that everything you do won’t be enough to generate the income you’ll need to enjoy your golden years.

I’ve been there.

And then, COVID hit…

And it got worse.

How I Survived

Gasoline… food… clothing… taxes…

Everything just kept… and keeps… getting more and more expensive.

Now, I have a big family — seven kids!

So I know first-hand how quickly cash can go out the door.

But for the past few years, I’ve used a special money-generator to deal with today’s higher costs.

It’s based on trading strategies I used to help my wealthy clients back when I was a hedge fund manager.

I call it the Income Matrix, because it uses a complex series of indicators to extract profits from the stock market — no matter which way stocks are moving.

In fact, thanks to the Income Matrix, I was able to earn gains of 190% in one of the worst market environments in recent history.

Today I want to share the secret of the Income Matrix with you — giving you a chance to earn profits that will help you put your money worries behind.

It’s been such a boon to my family that I will continue to use the Income Matrix myself… placing the exact same trades I’ll recommend to you.

I explain how you can become one of my “insiders” in a short video I just shot.

Click here for everything you need to know…

Before my publisher closes it down tonight at midnight.

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