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Nikola Tesla’s Vision (AI + Bitcoin?)

Nikola Tesla’s Vision (AI + Bitcoin?)

Chris Campbell

Posted October 09, 2024

Chris Campbell

Let’s rewind exactly 138 years ago: October 9, 1886. 

Nikola Tesla received U.S. Patent No. 334,823 for his "Dynamo-Electric Machine."

To be sure, the dynamo itself was not Tesla’s invention—far from it.

The basic principles of generating electricity had been understood since Michael Faraday's experiments in the 1830s.

By the time Tesla entered the scene, dynamos were already in use -- though clunky and inefficient -- in factories and streetcar lines across the United States and Europe.

So, what did Tesla see that others had missed? The answer lies in an unexpected place: vibration.

Tesla was obsessed with resonance, a concept that describes how objects can naturally vibrate at specific frequencies.

In a way, he approached the dynamo as if it were a tuning fork rather than a generator. He understood that if he could get the moving parts to resonate with the electrical currents they were generating, he could vastly improve efficiency and power output.

This was a surprising leap—a way of seeing electricity not just as energy, but as a kind of musical instrument.

Tesla’s obsession with resonance was so intense it led to some bizarre episodes. For example, he famously tested his theories by attaching an oscillator to his own lab in New York City, inadvertently creating what some described as an earthquake in downtown Manhattan.

The dynamo, though less theatrical, was built with the same principles in mind. Tesla designed it to operate in harmony with the electricity it produced, minimizing energy loss through what he called the “oscillating circuit.”

When he filed for the patent, he was already thinking far beyond the humble dynamo. He envisioned entire cities powered by his machines, each one vibrating in perfect resonance with the others.

Thus, he saw the future of the grid rooted in creating smaller, localized power states that could independently generate and supply electricity to nearby areas.

By vibrating in harmony, they would create a more stable, reliable grid, with each station dynamically adjusting to shifts in demand. If one station needed maintenance or failed, the others could pick up the slack without major disruptions.

Alas, that’s not what happened…

What we got instead was a highly centralized power grid. While it allowed for economies of scale, the trade-off was that the grid became increasingly complex and fragile.

Worse, there’s far less flexibility to accommodate new energy sources.

Today, we’re going to look at one lesser-known company attacking this problem -- and, in a surprising way, getting us closer to Tesla’s original vision.

Its secret weapon? Bitcoin mining.

The Duck Curve

The challenge with renewables like solar and wind is they often produce a lot of energy during the middle of the day when demand is low.

This leads to a surplus, which disrupts the balance and can make it unprofitable for traditional power plants.

Without a way to store or redirect this excess energy, the grid ends up overloaded, which strains the system and can -- ironically enough -- raise costs for everyone.

This problem is known as the “Duck Curve”.

Check out this graph from Synertics:


This constant imbalance complicates grid management and undercuts the economics of renewable energy.

But what if there was a way to stabilize -- and decentralize -- the grid using Bitcoin?

Enter Bitdeer.

Bitdeer is a leading digital asset mining company that provides infrastructure services and operates large-scale mining facilities globally.

With 895 megawatts of operational capacity and ambitious plans to nearly double that, Bitdeer can flexibly ramp up or down their energy use based on grid needs, effectively acting as a dynamic energy reservoir.

Although perhaps counterintuitive on first glance, this makes them valuable partners for grid operators.

During peak demand times, Bitdeer can reduce its operations to free up energy, stabilizing the grid. Conversely, when there’s an excess of renewable power, they can ramp up Bitcoin mining to absorb it, ensuring that no energy goes to waste.

This creates demand for renewable energy where, before, it didn’t exist… making renewables more economically viable and sustainable.

But beyond simply mining, Bitdeer is also pursuing ASIC manufacturing.

This strategic shift not only gives them control over their hardware supply but also reduces their dependency on external manufacturers. (Important.)

By producing their own ASICs at a potential discount of 20-30%, Bitdeer can lower costs, allowing them to expand more sustainably and efficiently.

This vertical integration extends beyond just chips; Bitdeer also develops custom software and firmware, optimizing their machines to maximize performance.

And here’s the opportunity:

Bitdeer is currently valued at around $1 million per megawatt.

This is significantly lower than the typical valuation for similar Bitcoin mining companies, which is between $3.7 and $4 million per megawatt.

And with a potential AI and HPC (high-performance computing) play on the horizon, Bitdeer is positioning itself as more than just a mining company.

They’re betting that their experience in handling vast amounts of computing power will be just as valuable for AI as it is for Bitcoin.

In 2025, Bitdeer plans to energize another gigawatt of capacity. If they pull this off, they’ll not only expand their mining capabilities but also reinforce the energy grid by absorbing and redistributing renewable power.

It’s a model Tesla would’ve likely embraced wholeheartedly -- as it gets us closer to a more dynamic, flexible energy grid.

And we’re going to need it.

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