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“Pokemon With Guns”

“Pokemon With Guns”

Chris Campbell

Posted January 24, 2024

Chris Campbell

It’s called Palworld.

Some are calling it “Pokemon with guns.”

And big video game makers are furious.

The game just sold more than 6 million copies in the past four days, raking in over $100 MILLION dollars.

Of course, this is a pittance compared to how much some big games have pulled in the past. 

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) made $1 billion in its first three days.

But here’s what’s remarkable:

Palworld’s budget was only $7 million.

As mentioned, established game developers are pissed.

And not just because it’s an indie game that the AAA gaming companies would never release, for fear of offending people.


They’re mad that a tiny company is showing them up.

Rumors run rampant of “cheating” and using AI to create the characters. (Though there’s no real proof that Palworld used AI at all.)


This is a good example of how disruptive innovation causes fear in the incumbents.

In this case, game makers probably should be worried.

But not every incumbent is sweating bullets.

Ignore This AI Supertrend at Your Own Risk

99% of the time, these AI stories are distractions.

Sure, they’re interesting.

Especially when you consider how technology -- especially AI -- is making smaller teams and “solopreneurs” more competitive in the marketplace.

Soon, an individual with a few AI agents will accomplish more than a skyscraper full of competent people could have in 1950.

BUT, unless you’re starting a business or creating a game… 

Some of the biggest opportunities for investors aren’t in the shiny new toys.

(Though there ARE shiny new toys worth exploring. More on that soon!)

Most people will make a crucial mistake in 2024: They’ll ignore the BORING businesses using AI to beef up their operations.

Along that vein…

We just released a new AI recommendation for our Paradigm Mastermind Group. It’s a company in one of the LAST industries you’d expect.

(PMG members: You can also check it out on our website here.)


If you’re not yet a member of PMG…

James Altucher, Ray Blanco, and Jim Rickards have joined forces and plan to release a new AI recommendation every other week.

(And with yours truly as your guide.)

With their powers combined, you’re not going to find anything else like this in the AI investment sphere.

One Thing is Undeniably True:

For most people, this service either:

A.] won’t be right for them or

B.] they’ll ignore it.

That’s natural.

If you’re one of them, here’s the takeaway this week: AI is going to allow traditionally non-creative industries to take more creative risk. Innovation is going to skyrocket. “Boring” businesses will see tremendous upside in 2024.


For a few people reading this, it’s an opportunity that could change their lives forever.

AI isn’t going anywhere. And it represents one of the biggest opportunities of 2024.

Don’t take it from me.

Hear James talk about it right here -- and then see if PMG is right for you.

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