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Revenge of the Left Behind

Revenge of the Left Behind

Chris Campbell

Posted July 24, 2024

Chris Campbell

For many moons, we've watched the Magnificent Seven (Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Amazon, Meta, Alphabet, and Tesla) dominate the market.

These fiscal colossi have gobbled up capital like black holes, gaping maws locked open, swallowing light.

But as the old saying goes, "Trees don't grow to the sky.

As of this week, we may be witnessing a turn of the big, fat worm. The beginning of a rotation event so powerful it's already being called a "generational event."

Truth be told…

It's the kind of stuff we await with bated breath and - right this second - James is putting together several ways to play it.

Bigfoot Rides Nessie  

Put simply, certain stocks outside of the Mag 7 made a big move this week - and in a way that has some money managers questioning their models.

Put another way…

It’s the market equivalent of Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness Monster. In technical terms, a bonafide "three-standard-deviation" event.

Imagine you're playing darts.

Hitting the bullseye occasionally? Big deal.

Hitting ten bullseyes in a row while blindfolded? That's your three-standard-deviation event.

Some think the recent inflation report (CPI report) caused it, but we’re not so sure.

Trying to pinpoint the exact reason for market movements is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.

What matters is that it's happening. (And what to do before the crowd.)

What You Need to Know NOW

Without stealing too much of James’ thunder…

This rotation is about the "left behinds" - quality companies that have been overshadowed.

To be clear…

We’re not saying you should abandon the big boys. Many are still incredible companies with strong fundamentals.

BUT… even a small shift of capital away from these giants can have an outsized impact.

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