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The AI Prophets Mastermind (LATE NIGHT EDITION)

The AI Prophets Mastermind (LATE NIGHT EDITION)

Chris Campbell

Posted December 28, 2023

Chris Campbell

Today was the day.

Paradigm’s three AI experts -- Jim Rickards, James Altucher, and Ray Blanco -- took the virtual stage to give their BEST predictions.

Inside they also gave three FREE recommendations.

One of them I’ve been following for years now.

For starters, it’s a crypto.

People ask me, “Do you think companies will actually want to use this?”

I tell them, “I don’t care what people want. The real question is, ‘Will they HAVE TO use it?’ And the answer is yes.”

When Microsoft Windows was introduced, it became a necessity for most computer users, not necessarily because they preferred it over other operating systems, but because it became the standard in most workplaces.

In its early days, email was a novel communication tool. Today, it's an essential part of professional and personal communication.

Online shopping was an alternative to traditional retail. Now? It’s necessary for both the consumers and the producers.

Initially, smartphones were a luxury. But as more apps and services (like email, maps, and banking) became smartphone-friendly, these devices shifted from being a "want" to a "need".

Digital payments. Entertainment. Ride-sharing. Cloud computing.

People probably asked, “But will people want to use this?”

And the answer is always, “It doesn’t matter. It will become so ubiquitous that, at some point, they will HAVE TO.”

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