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The Most Boring Bull Run in History (Yes, AI)

The Most Boring Bull Run in History (Yes, AI)

Chris Campbell

Posted January 12, 2024

Chris Campbell

Despite popular thought:

The next AI bull run in stocks is going to be…

Wait for it…


AND a lot of people are going to get crazy wealthy.

Allow me to explain.

The Year of Deployment

In November of last year, Goldman Sachs wrote about AI on their website.

Here’s the headline:

Altucher confidential

And you know what? Of all the predictions surrounding AI…

Goldman Sachs got it right on the money.

But what they didn’t point out…

It’s Going to Be BOOORING

"You know," James said recently, "AI is going to have the biggest impact in the most boring industries."

Our ears perked up. It’s something most people don’t want to hear. After all, we’re glorified raccoons. We like shiny stuff.

"The super exciting stuff, the shiny new toys everyone can't wait to get their hands on, they're not where the smart money goes. They're not truly investable," James said.

“So what then?” we asked.

"Take taxes,” said James. “Nobody loves dealing with them. They're complicated, they're universally disliked, but they're necessary. Now, imagine an AI that can navigate the labyrinth of tax codes, optimize returns, and do it with pinpoint accuracy for every individual and business. That's not just a game-changer. That's an entire industry revolution."

“Hmm… What else?” we say, grabbing our pen and pad.

"Farming, it's as old as civilization itself, but it's not exactly what kids dream of when they think about the future. However, AI can predict weather patterns with unprecedented accuracy, control irrigation systems, monitor crop health at a granular level, and manage yields in ways that would make a traditional farmer's head spin."

“Uh-huh. Go on.”

"Cybersecurity. It isn't flashy, but in our digital age, it's the fortress that guards every other industry. AI can detect threats before they happen, adapt to new dangers in real-time, and protect infrastructures in ways human teams simply can't match."

"In the end," James said, "the biggest impacts of AI will be felt in the places we overlook because those are the industries that underpin everything else. That's where real, sustainable growth will come from. That's what's truly investable."

James and Doug talk about this for Altucher’s Investment Network subscribers in a brand new video today.

If you’re an ALN member, you should already have access.

Check it out right here.

Big Takeaway From CES

All week, we’ve had boots on the ground in Vegas for the blowout CES event.

Right now, our gurus are collecting their thoughts.

But Zach Scheidt was gracious enough to give us this takeaway from the conference:

“AI technology is FOUNDATIONALLY ready for prime time.Companies spent 2023 building, training and perfecting the basic AI technology. We saw the technology BEGIN to show up in actual applications that we use on a day-to-day basis. But the truth is, much of what has been developed so far is prototype-level.

In 2024, says Zach, “AI technology will advance from prototypes and concepts into hard APPLICATIONS that are used by businesses and individuals.”

In many cases, he said, we probably won’t recognize it as AI: “Just like you probably don't think about the Internet when you book a ticket for a show, read a news article, or order something from Amazon. The Internet has become fully integrated into many areas of our lives.”

You won’t think about AI when you go to the doctor, book a vacation, or research an investment.

“But,” says Zach, “AI will be hard at work in the background for a TON of areas of our lives in 2024 and beyond. Creating efficiencies, opening up new opportunities, and leading to healthier and happier lives.”

They say optimism doesn’t solve all your problems. I say it’s worth a shot – at least it annoys all the right people.

And it can get you rich.

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