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$1,000 a Minute?

$1,000 a Minute?

Posted April 22, 2024

Spend enough time around James and you’ll learn one thing:

He likes to give away money.

When I first met him in 2017, he gave away a Bitcoin for free. (The price at the time? $4,000.)

I never understood why it was a thing with James… why he insisted on giving away money all the time.

But then, something happened.

A reader -- by the name of Lindsey Campbell (no relation) -- gave James a reality check. And it all made sense.

I’ll tell you the full story in a moment.

First things first: this Thursday will be James’ wildest money-giving-away event I’ve seen.

$1,000 Per Minute

In case you haven’t heard through the grapevine…

James will be going live on Thursday, April 25, at 2 p.m. ET.

He’ll reveal what to expect for the rest of the year, focusing on AI, crypto, stocks, major trends…

And he’ll reveal how he’s planning on playing it.

You’ll have a chance to submit your questions, getting answers straight from James himself.


He’ll be giving away $1,000 per minute to the live attendees.

Sounds too crazy to be true, right? Well, although you won’t pay a penny to attend…

And, no, we don’t need your credit card info to “hold your spot”...

There’s ONE Catch.

James asked to make sure we get you registered for the event TODAY

before it’s too late.

Truth is…

  1. The $1,000 per minute giveaway is already causing chaos in our office

(and the event registrations will probably hit capacity soon).

  1. With all the money James has made so far this year, we think his 2024

playbook will be a precious resource.

So here’s your warning — this Zoom room is only open to the first

10,000 people. (And this invite is going out to hundreds of thousands of

people as we speak.)

Just tune in on Thursday, and you’ll have a chance to win $1,000 every single minute of the broadcast!

James will be speaking and answering questions for about an hour — meaning you’ll have at least 60 chances to win.

Keep in mind, this is a FREE, zero-obligation event. You don’t need a credit card to be eligible for one of the $1,000-a-minute giveaways.

All you gotta do is: Click here to grab a registration and join us on Thursday, April 25, at 2 PM ET.

Back to the Lindsay Campbell (no relation) story.

But… WHY?

For years, I didn’t understand why James loves to give money away…

Until, that is, a reader, Lindsay, asked James this question:

“I give money away because I think there’ll be more - but I’m not rich. Am I crazy?”

His response:

“You are the opposite of crazy. Every day try to think of all the ways you can give. Having an abundance mentality, combined with a healthy risk aversion, is the best way to ultimately receive.”

While giving away $1,000 per minute is one way to do it…

(And James is practicing what he preaches on Thursday. Register here.)

There are other ways to give.

Below, James talks about how to apply the abundance mentality to EVERY aspect of your life.

Read on.

Give and You Will Receive

James Altucher

After a failure I feel lonely and afraid.

It's hardest at these moments to pick yourself up and give a little in order to get. The only way to climb out of the hole, when you have a metaphoric needle sticking out of your veins and you’re lying in the gutter that the world has kicked you to, is to give back without asking, give as if you were the richest man in the world.

This is not the same as giving to charity.

There are so many other ways to give that are under-appreciated. But it's exactly these types of giving where the world will give you back ten times more than you gave.

Here’s 12 ways that Giving can help you Receive more:

Give credit where its due. Every day, give credit to your boss, your friends, your employees, your colleagues, even if it was your own ideas. Just give them credit. Everyone knows the reality. And the reality is YOU.

Give Equity. When I started Stockpickr, someone wrote a blog post criticizing me for giving 50% of my business. One of my employees even quit, he was so upset at that decision. (Although he’s since gone on to better things.) But that decision hooked into my business. Once the company was up for sale (which was the second after we launched the company) they were basically locked into my tractor beam to the point where they had to buy the company. If I had given them any less of the business I’d probably be sitting on a worthless website right now, post financial crisis.

Give a customer more than they asked for. When I first did websites for New line cinema (in my old business, Reset), I offered to essentially do websites for all of their movies for almost free. That kept business coming from the whole Time Warner family and also gave my employees fun stuff to do in between doing websites for Con Edison and other boring companies. It also got clients for me because everyone thought our New Line sites were ‘edgy’.

Give up. Some businesses just don’t work. Don’t make the issue worse by raising money and being fooled by the prophets who tell you persistence is key. was my latest bad idea. Go check it out. I put $30k into that baby and on the eve of raising $500k I told everyone to save their wires and not send the money. It was a bad idea. The ghost-site still exists. Knock yourselves out.

Give ideas. I’ve told this story before, but when I was really down and wanted to get things going for myself, I came up with as many ideas as I could for other people and simply gave them away for free. The results were stupendous. Sit down every day, picture a person you can give ideas to, and come up with ten good ideas for them. At the very least this will exercise the idea muscle, which atrophies like any other muscle if it’s not in constant use.

Give time. Cornell, my alma-mater, recently asked me to donate some money, like they ask all alumni. I said there’s no way I can do that, since I’ve repeatedly written articles suggesting that parents to not send their kids to college. BUT, I would be more than happy to give my time. So I went up, spoke to a bunch of groups of very smart, talented college students, and even found out about a business done by students who had just graduated that seemed interesting. I immediately came home and invested in the business. More on that in another post.

Give silence. My daughter was crying the other day. She was upset about nothing. But I sat down next to her and said nothing and just listened while her mind thrashed about a bit. I’m glad I did it. Just to hear her laugh a little by the end of it.

Give to yourself. When I have a win, I give to myself. I’ll stay in a nice hotel, or go on a nice trip, or buy some books, or take some time to go to an art gallery or museum. I take for myself when I’ve been given. Which goes along with…

Give thanks. Every day at the end of the day, I think of the things I’m thankful and grateful for. You don’t need to be good at meditation to be as enlightened as the Buddha. Just spend a few minutes a day counting the things you are thankful for. I’m thankful for my family. I’m thankful for the people who have remained friends over the years. I’m also thankful Ben Bernanke decided to print up another $600bb dollars over the next few months. I hope I can take some of that and put it in my pocket.

Give your honesty. When someone asks for your opinion on something there’s so many incentives to lie. When someone asks you to dinner or out to an event, the first impulse is to be dishonest and say, “sorry, my leg is breaking that day, I can’t”. But be honest and constructive in your honesty. Give value when you give your opinion. Help someone be better by making sure you are not only honest with them but really honest with yourself as to why your opinions are what they are. Where do they come from deep down. Make their lives better and they will one day return the favor. Try being 100% honest for just one day. Its not as easy as it seems. Never criticize but improve the things around you when you give your honesty.

Save a life every day. I’ve written about this before. But my goal in life is to be a vigilante, anonymous superhero. If you can save a life a day, with strangers or with friends, then you’re a hero. And heroes have all sorts of benefits in life that civilians never get or don’t even know exists. If you don’t believe me, save a life today and see what happens.

Meditate on giving. Above I said give thanks for everything there is to be thankful for. That’s one meditation. The other meditation is to think of all the giving you can do tomorrow. Go up and down this list and see what items on it you can do tomorrow.

Give first, then receive. It works!

I’ll start:

Be sure to tune in on Thursday to learn what the rest of 2024 holds… and get a chance to receive $1,000.

Click here to make sure you’re registered through Zoom for the event.

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